Family Carers UK

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Support for Adult and Older Adult

Our fully screened, DBS checked home-helpers are always on hand with a friendly smile, so you can be confident that you can continue to manage day-to-day tasks, whilst still maintaining your dignity and independence. We aim to always provide you with the same home-helper for all your domestic needs, so they become a real friend who you can call upon whenever you need them.  

Children and Family Services

We passionately believe that every child and young person has the right to achieve their full potential, irrespective of their background or circumstances; we offer a variety of services to support families


Family Carers offers a specialist re-ablement service. A range of services to adults with different support needs are provided, to enable NHS hospital beds to be available for acute patients by providing 24-hour live-in care to many elderly and vulnerable people in their own homes.

The aim being to minimise your stay in hospital.


Live-in care provides full-time one-to-one support to both individuals and couples, ensuring that you or your loved one can remain as independent as possible and avoid the need for a care/nursing home placement. Our live-in service is tailored to each person’s needs and aspirations no matter their level of dependency.

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Supported living is an approach based on the belief that people have a right to decide where, how and whom they live with, and who should provide them with the support they need to do this. The fundamental principle is that you live in your own home, shared, with a partner, or on your own and you get the sort of care and/or support that works for you. This can look different for different people.

Helpers Services

This “temporary service” is provided to families in need of on-call, occasional help.

Although, advanced notice is appreciated, we can place a screened, experienced Helper in your home, with only a few hours’ notice. Temporary job requests may be for one day (2 hours minimum) to several weeks or months.