Family Carers UK


Live-in care provides full-time one-to-one support to both individuals and couples, ensuring that you or your loved one can remain as independent as possible and avoid the need for a care/nursing home placement. Our live-in service is tailored to each person’s needs and aspirations no matter their level of dependency.

Being on your own or feeling unable to cope, especially, during the current crisis can cause unnecessary anxiety for vulnerable people and their relatives. A Live-in-Carer provides you with the comfort of having help when you need it – at any time of the night. You can choose how many nights per week you require this service, allowing you and your relatives to enjoy a relaxing nights’ sleep, safe in the knowledge that you will be always cared for.

Your carer will be present throughout the night, boosting your confidence and providing you with a fast response as and when you need it.

Community care groups like Family Carers UK have considerable experience in caring for people who are at high risk; vulnerable; isolated are protected, cared for without being isolated, stigmatised or left in a position of increased vulnerability or unable to access basic provisions and social care.

Our philosophy embodies holistic and compassionate care. Our staff are expert practitioners who are rigorously checked for the quality of their expertise and the safety of their practice.

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Get in Touch and Let us Care for your Loved Ones.